Posted: 27 Feb 2015 09:42 AM PST
USDA Provides One-Time Extension of Deadline to Update Base
Acres or Yield History for ARC/PLC Programs
Farmers Now Have Until March 31 to Update Yields and
Reallocate Base Acres; Deadline for Choosing Between ARC and PLC also Remains
March 31
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2015 — Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack announced today that a one-time extension will be provided to
producers for the new safety-net programs established by the 2014 Farm Bill,
known as Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). The
final day to update yield history or reallocate base acres has been extended
one additional month, from Feb. 27, 2015 until March 31, 2015. The final day for farm owners and producers
to choose ARC or PLC coverage also remains March 31, 2015.
“This is an important decision for producers, because these
programs provide financial protection against unexpected changes in the
marketplace. Producers are working to make the best decision they can. And we’re working to ensure that they’ve
got the time, the information, and the opportunities to have those final
conversations, review their data, and to visit the Farm Service Agency to
make those decisions,” said Vilsack.
If no changes are made to yield history or base acres by March
31, 2015, the farm's current yield and base will be used. A program choice of ARC or PLC coverage
also must be made by March 31, 2015, or there will be no 2014 payments for
the farm and the farm will default to PLC coverage through the 2018 crop
“These are complex decisions, which is why we
launched a strong education and outreach campaign back in September. Now we’re providing a one-time extension of
an additional month so that every producer is fully prepared to enroll in
this program, “ said Vilsack.
Nationwide, more than 2.9 million educational postcards, in English and Spanish, have been
sent to producers, and over 4,100 training sessions have been conducted on
the new safety-net programs. The online tools, available at, allow
producers to explore projections on how ARC or PLC coverage will affect their
operation under possible future scenarios.
Covered commodities include barley, canola, large and small
chickpeas, corn, crambe, flaxseed, grain sorghum, lentils, mustard seed,
oats, peanuts, dry peas, rapeseed, long grain rice, medium grain rice (which
includes short grain rice), safflower seed, sesame, soybeans, sunflower seed
and wheat. Upland cotton is no longer a covered commodity.
To learn more, farmers can contact their local Farm Service
Agency county office. To find your
local office visit
The Farm Bill builds on historic economic gains in rural America
over the past six years, while achieving meaningful reform and billions of
dollars in savings for the taxpayer. Since enactment, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture has made significant progress to implement each provision of this
critical legislation, including providing disaster relief to farmers and
ranchers; strengthening risk management tools; expanding access to rural
credit; funding critical research; establishing innovative public-private
conservation partnerships; developing new markets for rural-made products;
and investing in infrastructure, housing and community facilities to help
improve quality of life in rural America. For more information, visit
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence
Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free
Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642
(Relay voice users).
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Farm Bill Update
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